Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Inspiration on Running and misc thoughts and ramblings

First off, the winter season is in full swing here in NE Ohio and normally this would not bug me or be an issue but we have had three snow stroms now and people jsut dont seem to catch on, we live in a snow belt, we get snow, learn how to drive and cope with it already, its not like we have never seen it before. but the "white stuff" does make everything look so much nicer though no matter what people say. bc i believe that if is winter and gonna be cold we might as well have snow! am i wrong?

Second, my running and Crossfit trainings have been coming along nicely and i am truly starting to notice a benefit from the Crossfit workouts with my strength and also notice i am leaning out and toning up rather nicely. the Running has been lower mileage but to working days and getting home later, but the workouts with my running have been of real good quality so i feel like i am in a good place for the start of january. Next up is the Run for Regis trail 50k that is this coming weekend, projected temps look to be in the low 20's and by that time the trails should be covered by about a nice 12" of snow. Not looking for a super PR this early in the year but a nice showing of consistant mile times would be great, just aiming for 12 to 13 minute pace so nothing fast 6 to 7 hr finish,and i will be excited.

Lastly, last night maria and i were lucky enough to go and see the running documentary "HOOD TO COAST" the story of the Hood to coast realy race in Oregon. this race cover approx 197 mile over 24 hrs, from the top of Mt Hood to the coast by the pacific ocean in oregon. teams of 12 take turns running legs, great motivational story and truely moving. Plus is a major fund raiser for the American Cancer Society.
The movie followed four teams ecah with unique challenges to voer come and this proved that humans are truley amazing creatures capable of anything we put our mind to.

I have heard of this realy before but never really thought much of it, but after seeing this , this is now on my bucket list to get a team of 12 together to do, and i would push and strive to do it sooner rather than later. but the race due its popularity sells out and has a lottery like most big events inthe US, so planning will be everything, who know maybe 2012 or 2013 or 2014 i'll have a race recap of that to write about.

also on a side note last saturday SPC cross fit had a fundraiser called Anne's Army, that was to benefit the loss of one of my fellow CF's wifes friends. Not sure on total money raised yet but it was amazing. the way it worked out was:
30 minutes to get as much weight over head or row as many calories on the rower as possible in the allowed time, we wen tin waves of 30 mintues and i was in group 2. 830 am start. I approched this workout this way:

I broke the lifting and rowing into 5 minute rounds of each, i started with rowing then did the the lifitn g portions. i opted for clean and jerk lifts of 70 lbs, bc i wanted a weight i could maintain, this was a truely brutal 30 mintues but so worth the cause.
350 calories rowed which was good for the second most amount rowed, and 14,700 lbs lifted!

i was so proud to see the great turn out of the gym and surrounding crossfitters come out to support this cause, the person this was in honor of may have passed , but her honor lives on her sister and husbnad came out ,and they were in tears. i do think will become an annual SPC Crossfit event.

Lastly, incase i didnt mention it earlier. i was selected to come back to be a part of the BROOKS I.D. program.,but this year was honored with a higher sponsorship level of being accepted into the P.A.C.E program. this stands for Performanc and coaching elite. those selected for this were choosen bc of out success promoting brooks as a brand and our unique and indivdual ways we inspire those people aound us to run and be the best person they can. I am proud to represent Brooks Running, and have great thinkgs planned for me and to inspire daily!

Run Happy and Live Happy,and Inspire Daily.

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